Terraform 0.9.3
13 Apr 2017Minor update on Terraform but with interesting things added:
New Resource: aws_api_gateway_method_settings [GH-13542]
New Resource: aws_api_gateway_stage [GH-13540]
New Resource: aws_iam_openid_connect_provider [GH-13456]
New Resource: aws_lightsail_static_ip [GH-13175]
New Resource: aws_lightsail_static_ip_attachment [GH-13207]
New Resource: aws_ses_domain_identity [GH-13098]
New Resource: azurerm_managed_disk [GH-12455]
New Resource: kubernetes_persistent_volume [GH-13277]
New Resource: kubernetes_persistent_volume_claim [GH-13527]
New Resource: kubernetes_secret [GH-12960]
New Data Source: aws_iam_role [GH-13213]
The pace of improving Terraform is quite high in the moment (more-less 11 days between releases).
Also, Packer is finaly at v.1 - Congrats Hashicorp!