
This blog is from a IT guy. A normal guy that wants to learn more and more about technology.

I, André, am an experienced DevOps Engineer from an Ops and Administration background.

I am driven to the “make it happen” and think myself an excellent team player, always available to help and to facilitate my team goal. Have worked with several different projects from helpdesk to sysadmin, from “one man show” to managing a small team, from webhosting to fully automated systems for servers and desktop.

As DevOps, I have already delivered solutions to world enterprise businesses such as Siemens, Vodafone IoT and Salesseek.

I’m also an open-source lover and a strong Linux advocated person, always trying find the best match between costs and revenues.

Someone once said: "André is a very devoted person within his profession and job. Above all, he's extremely committed to the goals that are yet to be achieved, either proposed by the company or proposed by him, exceptionally team-work oriented but nevertheless, capable of managing the work by himself, showing initiative actions and problem-solving solutions to any obstacle that might appear. His focus on security and best practices makes him a strong element in any team."

Have fun with the blog!

André Bação